Tag: Minimal

Another really classy minimal groove by a man on form, S.A.M. Rather like sweeping gently through the city skyscape on a magic carpet, this is quite blissful at times.

S.A.M. – Brooklyn Nights

I pondered for a while whether I really liked this or just liked the idea of it.

But it does work really well, it is subtle enough.  Sadly the full-length version has been taken down so this small length will have to do you.

Delirium – Silence (Lumieux Remix)

A quick flashback to the original mid-2000’s minimal days when Loco Dice was smashing things at Circo Loco and this chuggy, minimal sound was the coolest thing around – this is an overlooked track in my opinion and deserves some more attention.

Daniel Taylor – M.O.R.D. (Loco Dice Remix)

This gave me that kind of sicky coming up feeling, with its low tones of emotion – quite sad and mournful yet hopeful at the same time – and a wonderful cut back in of the beat.

Fathers & Sons Productions – FAS Souls

Controversial but Dependent And Happy is my favourite Villalobos album.  There is so much undiscovered beauty in it including this spaced out dreamy taxi-beeping New York trip.  Even more controversial – the track is less than 5 minutes long.

Ricardo Villalobos – Ferenc

Dependent And Happy is such an under-rated album, so full of beauty and wonder that it is easy to overlook certain tracks, which for me, this has been an overlooked beauty – full of delicate charm and a gruff German vocal line that I am happy to never know what it means.

Ricardo Villalobos – Das Leben Ist So Anders Ohne Dich

A sombre, gloomy track – almost perfect to play towards the end of a wonderful drug-fuelled holiday in Ibiza.  With enough serotonin depletion, this would make you cry.

Alex & Digby – Crowhurst

It never fails to amaze me how you can listen to a track once, think it is ok, then listen again and think it is amazing.  Maybe it is because I’ve recently seen an excellent set by Melodie – this track is a warm, gentle bassline-friendly groover.

Melodie – Justa

iO (Mulen) are putting out a rash of really good minimal tracks and this is the pick of them for me, it has quite a lot of energy for a minimal track and grooves along very nicely.

iO (Mulen) – Flute
